Chair Yoga for Seniors Over 60

Author: Elderwood Press

Category: Health, Fitness & Self-Help

Regular price: $9.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: March 12, 2024

Deal ends: March 12, 2024


If You Want to Lose Weight, Improve Mobility & Balance, and Gain Flexibility & Strength in Only 10 Minutes a Day, This Book's For You! Includes an Illustrated "30-Day Challenge" to Ensure Your Success.

Are you tired of everyday pain? Do you want more flexibility? Want to lose weight, but diets alone aren't working?We have a solution! Reclaim your independence with these illustrated step-by-step chair yoga routines targeting pain relief, balance, flexibility, and strength, plus a 30-day challenge to get you moving and aid in weight loss!Introducing an illustrated in-depth guide to chair yoga, specially curated for seniors. This BIG 8.5" x 11" comprehensive guidebook is your key to regaining mobility, strength, and independence.Inside, you'll find:

Easy and Powerful Exercises! Simple yet effective chair yoga sequences to relieve pain, reduce stress, and restore flexibility and strength.Joint-Friendly Movements: Exercises meticulously designed to ease stiff joints, ensuring you move more fluidly each day.Exercises for Muscle and Strength: Strategies and routines to prevent muscle weakening, often linked to unwanted falls and injuries.Exercises to Alleviate Chronic Pain: Dive deep into the root causes of discomfort and learn how targeted exercises can bring relief.Mobility-Enhancing Movements: Understand how mobility evolves as we age and discover the techniques to enhance yours.How to Return to an Active Lifestyle: Get moving and lose those extra pounds.30-Day Transformation Plan: A structured guide that will lead you from beginner to a confident and agile senior, all within a month!

Get moving and reclaim the active and healthy person you want to be. Let this book be your guide to aging gracefully and, most importantly, independently. Dive in and begin your journey towards a vibrant, active, and joyful senior life. "Buy now with 1-Click" and change your life today!

Healing Your Wounded Inner Child

Author: Maria Clarke

Category: Health, Fitness & Self-Help

Regular price: $9.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: March 12, 2024

Deal ends: March 12, 2024


**Bonus: Includes a FREE Audio Version of the Book! Enhance your experience by turning every page of this valuable workbook into an immersive and impactful audio experience, making your healing journey more immersive and impactful.**

If You Have a Lot of Unresolved Trauma From Your Childhood, Then Let This Workbook Be Your Guide on thePath to Recovery - It’s Time to Heal Your Wounded Inner Child With CBT Techniques!

It's hard to move on from the past when you're still dealing with the emotional aftermath of traumatic events. These unresolved feelings can cause problems in your personal relationships, work life, and general happiness.

It's not your fault that you feel this way.

These feelings can be incredibly tough to manage and can often feel like they're here to stay.

Healing Your Wounded Inner Child is a workbook that will help you understand your past experiences and how they've been impacting your life currently.

This step-by-step guide includes exercises and activities to help you understand your thoughts and feelings, manage difficult emotions, and develop healthy coping mechanisms to help you take steps in the right direction.

By using these life-changing CBT Strategies, you’ll be able to address unresolved trauma and overcome your fear of abandonment. You’ll never have to fall victim to that negative voice in your head ever again.

With this workbook, you'll also learn:

How to identify unhelpful patterns from the past and how they are affecting your presentTools for recognizing, understanding, and managing difficult emotionsStrategies for developing healthy coping skills that help you move forward in lifeTechniques for building a more positive sense of self-worth and self-esteemAnd more!

With this workbook, you can finally put your past behind you and move on with your life. It's time to heal your wounded inner child and start living the life you deserve.

After all, it's never too late to start learning strategies that will help you break free from the trauma of past experiences and create a life of peace, joy, and connection.

Take control of your future today!

Scroll up, Click on “Buy Now”, and Get Your Copy Now!

Guided Meditation for Anxiety

Author: Kaizen Meditations

Category: Health, Fitness & Self-Help

Regular price: $2.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: March 01, 2024

Deal ends: March 01, 2024


This is a script to a guided meditation meant for listening as a audiobook. Please get the Audible version for the full experience.

Every day, the world seemingly invents new challenges for us in the form of new situations, new energetic exchanges, and new lessons. That also means that each day ends up screaming at us – in its own unique way – with the demand to keep up. Keep up with the cleaning, keep up with your job and your boss, keep up with your partner or your love life, keep up with your pets or your kids, keep up, keep up, keep up. After a while, all that action and tension can certainly start to get to you.

If you have problems with anxiety or with your general response to daily stresses, you’ve made the right steps toward solace by considering this eBook. This guided meditation is all about diagnosing your anxiety triggers, working to find peace, and coming to heal yourself. This guided meditation is also about regaining your power in a world so tremendously full of struggles.

In this meditation, you will learn about:

Centering healing yourself,Breathing deeply meditatively,Visualization how to find liberation from anxiety with it,How to (re)connect with the pace of the earth,The true value of waiting,How to find calm amongst all the chaos,and much more!

In order to live your best life – as the healthiest, most authentic version of yourself – the first step to success is (re)learning to breathe deeply, and with a little practice, the world will unfold around you. With a little practice and a lot of radical acceptance paired with active mindfulness, your anxieties can begin to melt away.With just one click and a download, you’d be surprised what can happen.

It’s All Too Much Workbook

Author: Peter Walsh

Category: Health, Fitness & Self-Help

Regular price: $14.99

Deal price: $0.99

Deal starts: March 01, 2024

Deal ends: March 01, 2024


The perfect companion to the

New York Times

bestselling book by organizing icon Peter Walsh, the

It’s All Too Much Workbook

delves deeper than the original book to help readers let go of the physical and mental clutter that is holding them back from a happier, more fulfilled life.

In his bestselling book,

It’s All Too Much

, Peter Walsh helped tens of thousands of people clear the clutter from their homes and lives. Now, due to many of those same readers’ requests, Peter has put together the It’s All Too Much Workbook. Designed with clear strategies and proven techniques for clearing out each room in your house and a plan for keeping your home clutter-free and organized, this workbook is the perfect next step in a lifetime commitment to creating your ideal life. Starting from the outside of your home and then working through it room by room, Peter asks hard questions and presents challenging exercises that will help you to understand why you live the way you do and how to move from the clutter to an organized space that reflects the life you imagine for yourself. From an assessment of your living spaces, a quick purge of each room, and the creation of your “dream spaces” to effective decluttering techniques, great organizational tips, and clear maintenance plans, Peter provides the step-by-step help to make your home work for you, now. With quizzes, detailed step-by-step plans, a room-by-room assessment tool, and a special area for journaling, this workbook will help you break free of the clutter once and for all.

How Your Brain Works

Author: New Scientist

Category: Health, Fitness & Self-Help

Regular price: $12.99

Deal price: $0.99

Deal starts: February 19, 2024

Deal ends: February 19, 2024


How Your Brain Works

explores the amazing world inside your head.

Ever wondered what's going on inside your head? The brain has long been a source of fascination. In 1819, the radical thinker and surgeon William Lawrence put it like this: "It is strongly suspected that a Newton or Shakespeare excels other mortals only... by having an extra inch of brain in the right place."Today, many such suspicions are certainties. We understand the structures of the brain, minor and major, and their roles in making us who we are. We can record electrical signals from individual brain cells or networks of them. Imaging technology lets us see both snapshots of the brain and also videos of it in action. We can follow connections within the brain and watch them reform after an injury.

How Your Brain Works

explores what's going on inside your head, and what makes you, you. It looks at techniques for controlling the brain using electric and magnetic fields, as well as investigating the latest technologies that allow you to control the outside world using your mind alone.


New Scientist Instant Expert

books are definitive and accessible entry points to the most important subjects in science; subjects that challenge, attract debate, invite controversy and engage the most enquiring minds. Designed for curious readers who want to know how things work and why, the

Instant Expert

series explores the topics that really matter and their impact on individuals, society, and the planet, translating the scientific complexities around us into language that's open to everyone, and putting new ideas and discoveries into perspective and context.

50 Psychology Classics

Author: Tom Butler-Bowdon

Category: Health, Fitness & Self-Help

Regular price: $12.99

Deal price: $0.99

Deal starts: February 16, 2024

Deal ends: February 16, 2024


Explore the human condition through the great thinkers in psychology.This brand new edition of the bestselling

50 Psychology Classics

includes new classics like

Thinking, Fast and Slow




The Marshmallow Test

. In a journey spanning 50 books, hundreds of ideas and over a century,

50 Psychology Classics

looks at some of the most intriguing questions relating to what motivates us, what makes us feel and act in certain ways, how our brains work, and how we create a sense of self.

50 Psychology Classics

explores writings from some iconic figures such as Freud, Adler, Jung, Skinner, James, Piaget and Pavlov, but also highlights the work of contemporary thinkers such as Gardner, Gilbert, Goleman and Seligman.

50 Psychology Classics

will further your understanding of human nature and yourself.