Safe Harbor

Author: K. Sinko

Category: Teen & Young Adult

Regular price: $4.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: July 22, 2024

Deal ends: July 22, 2024


Melanie’s twin brother made a life-altering mistake, and now her entire world is about to change.

After years of getting straight A’s at Garrison Prep so she could have a shot at getting into Yale, Melanie’s parents announce they are moving to Haverport, a small beach town off the Connecticut coast, to give her brother Duncan “a fresh new start.”

Skeptical that anything will actually change at home, Melanie decides to spend that summer before her senior year working at the local ice cream shop, Scoops By The Sea, where she meets Calvin—tall, broody, and pretty much on a mission to make Melanie’s training absolutely miserable.

Yet while her job and the people at Scoops were meant to be a distraction from her life that was falling apart, Melanie finds them to be a lifeline in the torrential sea of terror she faces at home. And even if Calvin may seem reclusive, Melanie soon learns what it means to truly open up her heart and share the pain that torments her, especially when disaster completely shatters her life once again.

Safe Harbor

is a sweet young adult romance featuring the intensity of two people falling in love for the first time, a pack of fiercely loving co-workers that feel like family, and a small town that has an obsession for festivals, fireworks, bonfires, and 32 delicious flavors of ice cream.

Voice of Power

Author: Melanie Cellier

Category: Teen & Young Adult

Regular price: $2.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: July 19, 2024

Deal ends: July 19, 2024


In Elena's world words have power over life and death—but none more so than hers.

As the daughter of shopkeepers, Elena has always known that the mysteries of reading and writing are closed to her. Only the mageborn can risk harnessing the power unleashed from putting pen to paper. Until Elena discovers an impossible new ability and joins the elite ranks of the mages.But with the kingdom at war, the authorities can't agree if Elena is an asset, or a threat they need to eliminate. Thrust into the unknown world of the Royal Academy without friends or experience, Elena will need all of her wits, strength, and new power to carve a place for herself.Except as the attacks become more personal, wits and strength won't be enough. Elena will have to turn to new friends and an enigmatic prince to unlock the mysterious potential of her words and survive her first year as a trainee mage.

If you enjoy strong heroines, fantasy worlds, adventure, intrigue, and romance, then try the Spoken Mage series now!

The Spoken Mage

reading order:Voice of PowerVoice of CommandVoice of DominionVoice of LifePower of Pen and Voice: A Spoken Mage Companion Novel


Author: Karen Lynch

Category: Teen & Young Adult

Regular price: $4.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: July 17, 2024

Deal ends: July 17, 2024


Jesse James is a normal eighteen-year-old, even if her parents are the best faerie bounty hunters in New York. Jesse’s only concern is how to pay for college, but that changes the night her parents disappear.

Equipped with her parents’ weapons and her own smarts, Jesse enters the dangerous world of bounty hunting in search of her mother and father. In her quest, she encounters all manner of Fae, but the scariest is Lukas, the mysterious, imposing faerie who offers to help her find her parents.

But there are powerful forces at work, and Jesse is about to become a player in a dangerous game that could decide the fate of everyone she loves. In this world of magic and deception, it’s hard to tell her allies from her enemies in the race to find her parents before their time runs out.


Author: Doug Solter

Category: Teen & Young Adult

Regular price: $4.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: July 14, 2024

Deal ends: July 14, 2024


She drove the car that killed her dad. Samantha dedicates her life to becoming the racing car driver that her dad planned her to be. One day she convinces the owner of a Formula One racing team to take a huge gamble on her. The rest is motor racing history.Skid is the first book in a young adult racing series that features well-developed characters, an amazing plot, and a strong heroine with spunk. If you like a character-based novel full of action with a sweet and believable relationship, then you'll love the first installment in Doug Solter's totally original series.Click or tap the Buy Now button to download SKID and start this brave girl's wild journey today! For ages 13 through Adult.

The Rose Gate

Author: Hanna Sandvig

Category: Teen & Young Adult

Regular price: $4.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: July 11, 2024

Deal ends: July 11, 2024


Once upon a time, a human girl was kidnapped by a fae prince...for her own good.

I was just minding my own business in the woods. At night. As you do when your family is as messed up as mine. When I was rudely abducted to Faerie by a grizzly bear.Okay, so he’s actually a cursed fae prince named Leith. And yes, he did technically save me from the creepily intelligent wolves that were chasing me down. But now I’m trapped at his castle until they go away, and this prince is far from charming, what with the missing eye, and the curse, and did he cut his own hair with a sword?I suppose it could be worse. Yes, the castle and it’s inhabitants have been cursed by the Unseelie Queen, but I don’t have a fox handmaiden back home to braid my hair every day. Or dresses that shimmer like starlight. And maybe the prince isn’t so bad, when he’s not growling at me. He might even be handsome under those scars.But that’s besides the point. I’m going to figure out the curse this castle is under, save my new friends, and get back home before I lose my heart to this beast of a prince.Until then, I hope there’s at least a decent library somewhere in this castle.

**If you wish that

The Cruel Prince

was a bit less...cruel, or think that

Downton Abbey

could be improved by having forest creatures as staff, try

The Rose Gate!

This is a sweet retelling of Beauty and the Beast that kicks off the Faerie Tale Romances series.**

*The ebook edition does not include the illustrations from the print editions*

The Unnaturalists

Author: Tiffany Trent

Category: Teen & Young Adult

Regular price: $5.99

Deal price: $0.99

Deal starts: July 10, 2024

Deal ends: July 10, 2024


In an alternate London where magical creatures are preserved in a museum, two people find themselves caught in a web of intrigue, deception, and danger.

Vespa Nyx wants nothing more than to spend the rest of her life cataloging Unnatural creatures in her father’s museum, but the requirement to become a lady and find a husband is looming large. Syrus Reed’s Tinker family has always served and revered the Unnaturals from afar, but when his family is captured to be refinery slaves, he finds that his fate may be bound up with Vespa’s—and with the Unnaturals. As the danger grows, Vespa and Syrus find themselves in a tightening web of deception and intrigue. At stake may be the fate of New London—and the world.