Last Man Standing

Author: Craig Falconer

Category: Science Fiction

Regular price: $2.99

Deal price: $0.99

Deal starts: July 26, 2024

Deal ends: July 26, 2024


A pulsating sci-fi thriller from the author of the global blockbuster Not Alone — perfect for fans of Andy Weir and A.G. Riddle.

** KINDLE UNLIMITED ALL-STAR TITLE **_____________________________

I wasn’t supposed to survive.

The station has been hit. Everyone around me is dead.

I have 11 hours of life support left and no way of contacting Earth.

I’m alone. I’m stranded. I’m desperate.

But I’m alive.

The more of the station I explore, the surer I get that this was no accident. Someone


this, and I don't think they're finished yet.

Making it home feels like an impossible task, but I'm not just fighting for my own life.

I have to protect my family — whatever it takes.

And as long as I’m breathing, this isn't over.

Because whoever did this


pulled it off… but they made one big mistake:

They left the wrong man standing...


Praise for

Last Man Standing


????? — “An insanely entertaining sci-fi adventure”????? — “I tore through this book in less than 24 hours”????? — “The best depiction of space I have ever read”????? — "I loved this book. The Martian and Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir are two of my favorite books and this one is a great story in the same vein."

Diary of the Displaced: The Ways

Author: Glynn James

Category: Science Fiction

Regular price: $3.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: July 26, 2024

Deal ends: July 26, 2024


Diary of the Displaced is a genre-breaking saga that is part mystery, part scifi, part horror and part fantasy.Readers are calling the DIARY OF THE DISPLACED series: "A wild ride through a stunning imagination." ... "An epic journey through places best left in darkness." ... "I was hooked in the first few pages." ... "Mysterious, compelling, and brilliantly imagined." ... "Unpredictable with great character development." ... "Great books...enjoyed from first word to last." ... "Unexpectedly excellent!" ... "Very bizarre and imaginative."

Alone again. Sitting on the ledge in the darkness of The Corridor. A sword thrust through his chest.

His faithful companion, DogThing - thrown to the horde of zombies below.The scaffold bridge that was his only escape - destroyed.Rudy, Adler, Reg and Marie - all separated by the closed portal.The portal key - stolen.His weapons - thrown into the darkness.Not one, but two dangerous enemies roaming in the darkness.Could it get much worse for James?Yes. It could.The Journal of James Halldon continues...If it's dark when you wake up, and you can hear growling, then close your eyes and maybe it will go away. But maybe it won't.

Grant Us Mercy

Author: DC Little

Category: Science Fiction

Regular price: $0.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: July 24, 2024

Deal ends: July 25, 2024


Ninety percent of the world’s population would perish, they fought to be a part of the 10% that survived.

For Secret Service Agent, Blake Chantry, ensuring that his superiors thrive in the face of a national disaster has been his primary objective for the last year. When Solar Storms warn of the impending fate of the world, leaving the people without power, and having to learn a new way to survive, he is faced with a life and death decision. Fulfilling his duty pales in the face of adversity when a blazing inferno separates him from his family. The power grid fails, vehicles explode, and mob-rule follows closely behind, but Blake risks everything to save his wife and young son.

Kris Chantry’s husband has prepared her for this day, though she never believed it would actually happen...until it does. When her car stalls and bursts into flames leaving her and her son fighting through wildfires, road blocks, and the unknown, Kris digs deep, remembers her training, and sacrifices everything for her son to survive.

Join Blake and Kris on this action-packed inception to the edge of your seat journey in the post-apocalyptic series, Grant Us Mercy. The entirety of this thrilling series is complete and available.

Grab the first part of the epic journey, Grant Us Mercy, where the Chantry family fight against all odds to survive a natural disaster that propels the world into chaos.

**Grant Us Mercy is clean post-apocalyptic fiction, no swearing or steamy scenes and mild violence, suitable for teens and young adults.**

Readers of Grant Us Mercy say:


“Post apocalypse fiction at its finest.”

“Keeps you on the edge of your seat.”

“DC Little is one of the very best writers of the genre.”

“Faith filled and family centered.”

“Loved this...clean and ADVENTURESOME!!”

"D.C. Little takes readers on a harrowing journey of only a few miles to demonstrate how fast modern society falls apart in the wake of a disaster."

"All the prepping in the world can't prepare you for everything that can happen. This book is exciting and thrilling. It is a must read."

Series by DC Little

Grant Us Mercy

Installment OneInstallment TwoInstallment ThreeInstallment FourInstallment FiveInstallment SixInstallment SevenInstallment EightInstallment Nine

Mercy Rising

The ProphecyThe ForbiddenThe DeliveranceThe ReturnThe BeyondThe Uprising

The Chantrys will do whatever it takes to survive, and they always return to each other. Start reading now…


Author: Phil Price

Category: Science Fiction

Regular price: $3.99

Deal price: $0.99

Deal starts: July 25, 2024

Deal ends: July 25, 2024


In Middle-England, a sleepy village is preparing for its annual fete. Pumpkins and scarecrows adorn the houses, and shops line the winding streets.Meanwhile, in a far corner of the cosmos, a planetary attraction is preparing too - for its new inhabitants. Among them are the residents of a sleepy village in Middle-England.Their new home, a replica of the village that they were abducted from, is where the Earthlings are to live their lives for the amusement of others, under glass domes that reach up towards the stars.But nearby, a bitter war is raging, as a rebellious leader looks to destroy anything that her enemies create. Soon, their worlds come crashing together with cataclysmic results.Praise:????? - "The story keeps you hooked all the way through. A great read."????? - "Loved this book from beginning to end. Highly recommended."

The Oldest Starfighter

Author: Jamie McFarlane

Category: Science Fiction

Regular price: $3.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: July 25, 2024

Deal ends: July 25, 2024


The fate of the free universe comes to rest in the hands of the Oldest Starfighter, when grizzled veteran ace fighter pilot, Gordy Harmen, once again heeds the call to battle.

In this gripping new military science fiction novel, the universe teeters on the brink of invasion, and the Obsidian Union scrambles to assemble a formidable force of combat pilots. Enter Gordy Harmen, once a legendary Air Force pilot whose illustrious career came to an end due to physical limitations.Desperate and with nothing to lose, Gordy is approached with a tantalizing proposition: join the Obsidian Union's fight, and they'll rejuvenate his weary body, granting him the chance to fly once more. With his unmatched skills in the cockpit, Gordy must adapt to a new battlefield—the vast expanse of space.As the tension mounts and the fate of the universe hangs in the balance, "The Oldest Starfighter" takes readers on a thrilling journey through epic space battles and pulse-pounding action. Will Gordy's courage and expertise be enough to turn the tide of war? Find out in this captivating first installment of Jamie McFarlane's exhilarating new series, promising to enthrall fans of sci-fi adventure.

Buy The Oldest Starfighter today and stop the invasion, now!


Author: P.L. Tavormina

Category: Science Fiction

Regular price: $4.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: July 25, 2024

Deal ends: July 25, 2024


On planet Turaset, droughts ravage farmlands, cyclones rip through coastal cities, and with every barrel of oil the combustion industry pumps from the ground, the climate worsens. Alphonse has just refused a council seat because taking it means serving that rapacious industry. He leaves the city to seek solace in the wilderness, and there, a power to live the past awakens within him. Alphonse walks the steps of his distant ancestors on long-dead Earth, soon growing plagued with memories of its collapse, and he’s left with a troubling certainty: he must infiltrate the combustion industry to secure proof of its treachery, or Turaset will be next to fall.

Alphonse finds an ally in Myrta, a farmgirl who sees air, every molecule in every pulse of breath or blast of exhaust. With her talent, she can evade the patrols on the industry’s grounds. Together, Alphonse and Myrta can prove the industry lies about emissions. They can convince the councils to shut down fossil fuel use permanently.

But people in the industry have grown wise to Myrta’s power—and now she’s marked for death.

About the author:

P. L. Tavormina is a North American middle-aged mammal living during Earth’s Anthropocene. Dr. Tavormina has identified human disease genes at the University of California and catalogued ecological changes in the wake of petroleum disasters at Caltech. Now, she’s writing fiction to make climate science more broadly accessible. Additional short stories from the world of Turaset are freely available at