The Oldest Starfighter

Author: Jamie McFarlane

Category: Science Fiction

Regular price: $3.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: July 24, 2024

Deal ends: July 24, 2024


The fate of the free universe comes to rest in the hands of the Oldest Starfighter, when grizzled veteran ace fighter pilot, Gordy Harmen, once again heeds the call to battle.In this gripping new military science fiction novel, the universe teeters on the brink of invasion, and the Obsidian Union scrambles to assemble a formidable force of combat pilots. Enter Gordy Harmen, once a legendary Air Force pilot whose illustrious career came to an end due to physical limitations.Desperate and with nothing to lose, Gordy is approached with a tantalizing proposition: join the Obsidian Union's fight, and they'll rejuvenate his weary body, granting him the chance to fly once more. With his unmatched skills in the cockpit, Gordy must adapt to a new battlefield—the vast expanse of space.As the tension mounts and the fate of the universe hangs in the balance, "The Oldest Starfighter" takes readers on a thrilling journey through epic space battles and pulse-pounding action. Will Gordy's courage and expertise be enough to turn the tide of war? Find out in this captivating first installment of Jamie McFarlane's exhilarating new series, promising to enthrall fans of sci-fi adventure.Buy The Oldest Starfighter today and stop the invasion, now!

Grant Us Mercy

Author: DC Little

Category: Science Fiction

Regular price: $0.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: July 24, 2024

Deal ends: July 25, 2024


Ninety percent of the world’s population would perish, they fought to be a part of the 10% that survived.

For Secret Service Agent, Blake Chantry, ensuring that his superiors thrive in the face of a national disaster has been his primary objective for the last year. When Solar Storms warn of the impending fate of the world, leaving the people without power, and having to learn a new way to survive, he is faced with a life and death decision. Fulfilling his duty pales in the face of adversity when a blazing inferno separates him from his family. The power grid fails, vehicles explode, and mob-rule follows closely behind, but Blake risks everything to save his wife and young son.

Kris Chantry’s husband has prepared her for this day, though she never believed it would actually happen...until it does. When her car stalls and bursts into flames leaving her and her son fighting through wildfires, road blocks, and the unknown, Kris digs deep, remembers her training, and sacrifices everything for her son to survive.

Join Blake and Kris on this action-packed inception to the edge of your seat journey in the post-apocalyptic series, Grant Us Mercy. The entirety of this thrilling series is complete and available.

Grab the first part of the epic journey, Grant Us Mercy, where the Chantry family fight against all odds to survive a natural disaster that propels the world into chaos.

**Grant Us Mercy is clean post-apocalyptic fiction, no swearing or steamy scenes and mild violence, suitable for teens and young adults.**

Readers of Grant Us Mercy say:


“Post apocalypse fiction at its finest.”

“Keeps you on the edge of your seat.”

“DC Little is one of the very best writers of the genre.”

“Faith filled and family centered.”

“Loved this...clean and ADVENTURESOME!!”

"D.C. Little takes readers on a harrowing journey of only a few miles to demonstrate how fast modern society falls apart in the wake of a disaster."

"All the prepping in the world can't prepare you for everything that can happen. This book is exciting and thrilling. It is a must read."

Series by DC Little

Grant Us Mercy

Installment OneInstallment TwoInstallment ThreeInstallment FourInstallment FiveInstallment SixInstallment SevenInstallment EightInstallment Nine

Mercy Rising

The ProphecyThe ForbiddenThe DeliveranceThe ReturnThe BeyondThe Uprising

The Chantrys will do whatever it takes to survive, and they always return to each other. Start reading now…

Brutal Response (Complete Series)

Author: Michael Anderle

Category: Science Fiction

Regular price: $24.99

Deal price: $0.99

Deal starts: July 21, 2024

Deal ends: July 23, 2024


Mia Verick grew up on a remote homestead far from anything people would dare call civilization. Her upbringing was…unusual.

Can a girl taught to shoot first and ask questions later learn to operate in a dangerous environment where everyone is friend and foe?

Grab this complete series boxed set and join Mia as hersearch for the truth takes her far from the only home she’s ever known!


It’s hard to live up to your father’s legacy when he’s a force of nature.

Most young women raised in the Kerrick Confederacy of Aligned Planets go to school. Mia had daily firearms practice, tactical exercises, and pilot training.

She never cared about her strange life, only about living up to the expectations of her father. His mysterious job often takes him away on secret missions, leaving her to self-training until the day she can surpass him.

Now she will never get the chance.

When a messenger from the city arrives at the homestead, Mia’s not ready for the harsh truth.

Her father has died under classified circumstances. No one will tell her the truth, leaving her with only one option.

Can she ferret out the truth about her father’s death by herself?

Being raised as the perfect soldier doesn’t mean surviving the urban jungle will be easy.

Her audacious plan takes her far from home to the world's largest city. Betrayals push her to an even more surprising place.

The most elite fighter training school in the KCAP is the only place she can earn the influence she needs to learn the truth about her father. Before that, she'll need to survive a true nest of vipers: a private military academy.

Can a girl taught to shoot first and ask questions later learn to operate in a dangerous environment where everyone is friend and foe?

Included in this boxed set:

TOPGUN: RequiemTOPGUN: IceTOPGUN: PhoenixTOPGUN: UnleashedTOPGUN: DarknessTOPGUN: MaelstromTOPGUN: VacuumTOPGUN: MasteredTOPGUN: Complete

Download your copy today and join Mia’s search for answers!

Star Force: Origin Series

Author: Aer-ki Jyr

Category: Science Fiction

Regular price: $4.99

Deal price: $0.99

Deal starts: July 23, 2024

Deal ends: July 23, 2024


The Star Force Universe has over 300,000 sales and 250 million KU pages read.

Earth is an abandoned colony of a galactic empire with an illegal population. If we want to survive, we have to build an empire before they come back.The discovery of an ancient alien pyramid under the ice in Antarctica changes Earth forever. We learn that we are the forgotten slaves of a galaxy spanning empire called the V'kit'no'sat who abandoned our planet 100,000 years ago during a massive rebellion.Our ancestors, the Zen'zat, were given restricted genetic powers and ordered never to reproduce under pain of death...for themselves and their offspring. That means Earth's entire population is illegal and if the V'kit'no'sat return to reclaim their lost border colony they'll wipe out every last one of us.Earth has to find a way to fight back, and the corporation that discovered the pyramid wisely does not turn it over to the United Nations or any other nation. Rather, the CEO spawns a new corporation and publicly proclaims its mandate is to facilitate the colonization of space.In reality it's purpose is to prepare Earth for the V'kit'no'sat's inevitable return......Reader Reviews:"I’ve been a prolific reader for 30+ years and my interests for genres span everything...and this is by far the best series I’ve had the pleasure of reading!""I would say that I have read lots of diverse Science Fiction and Fantasy through my years as and avid reader. Here is the deal Star Force is the culmination of all the things I have enjoyed giving you a taste of everything in those genres and more...If you take Stargate/Star Wars/Star Trek and Halo mixed in with some Jurassic Park this is what you get.""Everything you love about scifi cranked up to awesome without delving to much to acceptable breaks in reality. I guarantee one thing, the longer you read, the better it gets.""You have a winner here. I’ll be reaching for the next book as soon as I can.""Hooked after a few pages.""What an idea! Take it from me you will not be able to put this one down.""I've seen this series on Amazon for a long time and decided to finally give it a shot... and I'm glad I did. It's a well thought out progression that starts slow but just keeps building. I really enjoyed how each event leads to something new in a way that makes sense and read the whole series as fast as I could. Give it a try.""Written to make you eager for more and you become engaged in what becomes of Paul and the rest of the Star Force teams as they are concluding their training. Hold on - going to be a wild ride."" Superb Series. Very interesting combination of geo politics, industry and science fiction with some excellent basis in science. Absolutely, my kind of book.""A breath of fresh vacuum. Publishing has gotten easier over time, which means good authors are easier to find. Good stories seem more difficult to find due to the higher volume published. For sci-fi fans, this is one of them, buy it, you won't be disappointed.""This is one of the longest book series on Amazon and one of my favorites.""Interesting, thought provoking, stimulating and it tickles my imagination....thank you for a wonderful journey!""Rarely have I read a series that was so scientifically accurate as well as politically astute. If only it portrayed a possible future.""This is one of the best organized stories that I have read. I find the characters to be believable. I believe that anyone who enjoys military space operas will find this interesting and enjoyable. Very interesting and unusual beginning.""Simply the best SF out there - unbeatable story line, scope and brilliant ideas."

The Last Steward: Galaxy in Flames

Author: Nicholas Sansbury Smith

Category: Science Fiction

Regular price: $3.99

Deal price: $0.99

Deal starts: July 23, 2024

Deal ends: July 23, 2024


From the embers of a galaxy in flames, destiny calls upon an unknown guardian.

Captain Axel Finn has spent his life running salvage missions with an alien crew and their war bot. This motley group has found refuge on his ship from their own tumultuous pasts. But little do any of them know, beneath his gentle demeanor, their steadfast captain is far from the peace following, adventure seeking giant of a man they all love. His pacifist ethos meant to safeguard them has edged them to the brink of financial ruin and drawn dangerous enemies.

Forced into a risky salvage operation, the crew uncovers an alien relic not of this galaxy.

Expecting treasure to pay their debts, they instead find an artifact of the Wrath, an extraterrestrial species that once decimated entire worlds. To decipher the true nature of their discovery, Axel seeks Rangnar Soki, a deadly bounty hunter famous for his pursuit of the Stewards—legendary warriors who stood against the Wrath in bygone days. But as the mystery of this artifact deepens, and hunters close in, an old enemy threatens to set the galaxy ablaze.

Axel must choose: accept his legacy and unleash the monster within or watch everything he loves burn.

Kick off a thrilling quest of adventure with




Today bestselling Author Nicholas Sansbury Smith in this new science fiction saga. Readers that enjoy galactic combat, snarky droids, ancient aliens, lost starships, and underdogs facing daunting odds, this story is for you!

Star Corpsman: Abyss Deep

Author: Ian Douglas

Category: Science Fiction

Regular price: $7.99

Deal price: $0.99

Deal starts: July 23, 2024

Deal ends: July 23, 2024


New York Times bestselling author Ian Douglas's virtuosic Star Corpsman series proves one thing: The Marines are still the toughest sons of guns in the galaxy.

As Bravo Company defuses a hostage crisis on an orbiting mining station, Navy Corpsman Elliot "Doc" Carlyle not only saves the lives of a wounded Marine and two extraterrestrial friendlies—he averts a terrorist strike intended to kill billions. His reward? Deployment on a recon mission into the darkest depths known to man.

Abyss Deep is a foreboding ocean planet torn by extremes: boiling storm world on one side, unbroken glacier on the other. Humans established a research colony there to study the planet's giant sea serpents—but the colony has gone ominously silent. When Carlyle's team arrives, they discover a vessel belonging to a warlike alien species hovering above the atmosphere. But below the ice lurks a mystery so chilling it will make even Elliot Carlyle's blood run cold.