
Author: Marc Dingman

Category: Health, Fitness & Self-Help

Regular price: $19.99

Deal price: $0.99

Deal starts: February 16, 2024

Deal ends: February 16, 2024


The human brain is an impossibly complex and delicate instrument - capable of extraordinary calculations, abundant creativity and linguistic dexterity. But the brain is not just the most brilliant of evolutionary wonders. It's also one of the most bizarre.This book shows a whole other side of how brains work - from the patient who is afraid to take a shower because she fears her body will slip down the drain to a man who is convinced he is a cat and a woman who compulsively snacks on cigarette ashes.As fascinating as they are, the cases discussed in this book are more than just oddities. In attempting to understand them, neuroscientists have uncovered important details about how the brain works. You'll be intrigued and amazed by some of the weird things your brain does on a daily basis, seemingly without your awareness or consent, and maybe you'll even gain an increased appreciation for the stability of the reality you experience. This book is ideal both for readers seeking a better appreciation of the inner workings of the brain and those who simply want some extraordinary topics for dinner-party conversation.

The Secret to Everything

Author: Neel Burton

Category: Health, Fitness & Self-Help

Regular price: $4.42

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: February 01, 2024

Deal ends: February 01, 2024


Self-help, with a twistCan you figure out the Secret to Everything before this unconventional self-help book reveals it? With insight from philosophy, religion, science, and more, a psychiatrist and philosopher shares deep wisdom and practical advice throughout — while saving the underlying secret for the end. —BookBubThe Secret to Everything has been known to mystics and scholars for centuries and millennia, and, today, is increasingly being confirmed by both philosophy and science. Socrates certainly knew it, as did the Buddha, and more recently, Albert Einstein, Carl Jung, and Emily Dickinson. It is a secret not because it is hidden as such, but because it is so difficult to see, running counter to so many of our most basic assumptions.Each of the book’s ten chapters exposes a particular aspect and practical application of the secret, while also keeping it carefully under wraps. On the surface, the chapters may seem to have little in common, but they are all built around the same, deep wisdom. Your challenge, as you read, is to find the common thread that runs through all the chapters. The secret is discussed at the end, but don’t peek or you’ll spoil the fun!????? [Neel Burton] draws from religion, philosophy, art, and science… Now, don’t misunderstand me: this doesn’t feel like reading a heavy text. It isn’t like that at all, it’s highly accessible while still being thought-provoking. Each chapter ends with practical steps about how to incorporate the chapter’s theme into your life. Hint: If you notice the parallels between the action points in each chapter, you will clue in on the Secret. And no, I won’t be revealing that here. You need to read the book! —Jamie Bee, Top 50 ReviewerNo other work of inspirational or self-help literature contains the sentence, 'Let me paint you a picture of a Dionysian orgy.' If another somehow did, it's difficult to imagine its author justifying its inclusion so adeptly, or then challenging readers to acknowledge and embrace what Carl Jung called our 'shadow'. Burton's advice and conclusions are original even when drawn from the best-known writing of the world's most famous thinkers... —The BookLife PrizeBurton offers gentle guidance for creating one's personal credo that retains the possibility of a fearless, spontaneous experience of the unexpected. —The US Review of BooksBurton is never short of an interesting and sharp judgment. —Prof Peter Toohey, Psychology TodayBurton’s writing blends deep knowledge of his subject with lively anecdote and a genuine concern for how we might draw on the insights of psychology and philosophy to live a better life. Highly recommended! —Gareth Southwell, philosopher and writerAbout the authorDr Neel Burton is a psychiatrist, philosopher, and wine-lover who lives and teaches in Oxford, England. He is a Fellow of Green-Templeton College in the University of Oxford, and the recipient of the Society of Authors’ Richard Asher Prize, the British Medical Association’s Young Authors’ Award, the Medical Journalists’ Association Open Book Award, and a Best in the World Gourmand Award. His work has featured in the likes of Aeon, the Spectator, and the Times, and been translated into several languages.ContentsIntroduction1. How to see2. How to dream3. How to be religious4. How to be wise5. How to be fearless6. How to live7. How to love8. How to win9. How to party10. How to thinkConclusion: The Secret to Everything? Grab your copy now and prepare to meet the challenge!

Tailbone Pain Relief Now!

Author: Patrick Foye M.D.

Category: Health, Fitness & Self-Help

Regular price: $0.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: February 01, 2024

Deal ends: February 01, 2024


Find answers for your tailbone pain ... Do you suffer from tailbone pain (coccyx pain)? Do you know the hidden underlying causes? Did your doctor order the wrong tests, or none at all? Do you want relief? If so, Tailbone Pain Relief Now! is for you. Imagine being able to sit without pain. Imagine learning the hidden problems that cause tailbone pain. Then learn how to finally get relief. Imagine knowing more about tailbone pain than your local doctor, so that you can guide your path to the best medical care possible. Tailbone Pain Relief Now! comes from Dr. Patrick Foye's decades of experience providing thousands of evaluations and treatments for tailbone pain. It is packed with helpful information on the best cushions, medications, injections, seated x-rays of the tailbone, surgery, useful checklists, and more. Including dozens of chapters and customized illustrations that clarify what's happening and how you can get relief. It delivers priceless information right into your hands. If you suffer from tailbone pain, you can't afford *not* to read Tailbone Pain Relief Now!

Healing Your Inner Child First

Author: Cher Hampton

Category: Health, Fitness & Self-Help

Regular price: $7.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: February 01, 2024

Deal ends: February 01, 2024


What to do with your past when it keeps on following you?

What comes to your mind when you hear the term “inner child?” Is it that you are carrying a child within (as in you are pregnant) or that it is a hypothetical version of yourself? This is just the tip of the iceberg you have touched, take a full dive in to get to know more about your inner child.

Yes! You have one too!

Everyone has an inner child.No matter how old you are, everyone has a child within. You are your inner kid, but it is not the infantile mentality you have clung to all these years. It’s your subconscious mind at work. It is


who possesses all your suppressed childhood memories and sentiments that return from time to time.

It’s critical to your well-being and progress to heal your inner child FIRST.

Healing your inner child FIRST is critical because everything about whom you are originated in the experiences of the first years of your life.

If you don’t find peace with your inner child, you can work on yourself as hard as you want, but you will never feel fully fulfilled in life as you will always carry the pain of your unfulfilled child with you.

That’s why you must start with healing your inner child today!This book is an excellent resource for discovering your inner child. Not only that, but it also explains how to reclaim your inner child following any major or minor trauma, and how to do so in order to reach your full potential.

If you want to live a fulfilling life, you must not abandon this part of yourself.

Instead, inner child work empowers our knowledgeable, mature selves to be the line leaders of our life.

Inside this book you will discover:

9 ways to rediscover your inner childThe effect of trauma in your childhoodHow to start breaking free from the childhood traumas The different stages of the healing processHow to let go of the past How to become your best self, by feeling worthy, authentic, and playfulA lot of healing practicesAnd so much more…!

Even if you’re doing this all by yourself, you can start healing your inner child with ‘’Healing Your Inner Child First’’!So if you want to stop carrying your past with you and want to become the best version of yourself press ''add to cart'' NOW!

Stop the Pain

Author: Scott Hannen

Category: Health, Fitness & Self-Help

Regular price: $9.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: January 25, 2024

Deal ends: January 25, 2024


Millions of people suffer from debilitating pain and inflammation each and every day. Most treatments focus on relieving or managing the pain instead of locating the cause and eliminating it. This book helps the reader understand what pain is, where it comes from, and most importantly, how to get rid of it. There are six things to fix and six protocols to help correct the imbalances that cause pain and dysfunction. Learn how to balance thyroid levels, fix the gut, revive your metabolism, restore energy levels, improve brain function, and anti-aging. Look younger, feel better, and think clearer, while eliminating the causes of pain that create dysfunction in your body. Allow this book to be your personalized road map to guide you down the road to recovery. The most exciting part is realizing that you may be only a few simple choices away from eliminating chronic debilitating pain and suffering from your life.


Author: Nolan Edwards

Category: Health, Fitness & Self-Help

Regular price: $0.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: January 24, 2024

Deal ends: January 24, 2024


NEWLY REVISED EDITION!*NEW* BONUS CHAPTER NOW INCLUDED!Do you struggle with irritability? Headaches? Inability to sleep or insomnia? Osteoporosis? Diabetes? Hyperglycemia? Hypoglycemia? Your thyroid? Spasms or muscle soreness? A high level of stress? Sensitivity to noise? Difficulty in concentrating? Kidney stones? Gut disorder? Constipation? Lack of appetite? Hypertension? High blood pressure? Nerve dysfunction? Joint pain? Epilepsy? PCOS? Painful PMS? Memory loss? Depression?Chances are you are one of MILLIONS who suffer from one or more of these conditions. In today’s world, more than 80% of people have a deficiency in magnesium, almost all of which are misdiagnosed. Magnesium deficiency can cause a number of unpleasant side effects and impact your feelings of overall well-being as it is an imperative mineral that affects your nervous system. To cope with daily life, we actively decrease the mineral density in our bodies as a way to boost our nervous system. Learn the detailed explanation of the causes, effects and remedies to many physical and mental disorders that all find their root in magnesium.So, do you have enough magnesium? Do you know how much you actually require during different phases of your life?Find out for yourself by reading this informational book!Chapter 1: IntroductionChapter 2: Magnesium and Your BloodChapter 3: Magnesium and InsulinChapter 4: Magnesium and Your EnergyChapter 5: Magnesium and HormonesChapter 6: Magnesium and MusclesChapter 7: Magnesium and NervesChapter 8: Magnesium and BonesChapter 9: List of Common Disorders Associated with MagnesiumChapter 10: Magnesium and Your DietNEW BONUS CHAPTERBibliographyScroll up to the top and click: Buy Now!