Billion Dollar Brand

Author: Shaan Rias

Category: Business, Money & Jobs

Regular price: $0.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: February 06, 2024

Deal ends: February 07, 2024


When it comes to embracing your story and using the most transformative life chapters to build a multi-million dollar business, Shaan Rais is among the branding titans.This book pays tribute to his remarkable journey from zero to hero. As he expresses the lucrative importance of owning a personal brand, he recounts the prosperous stories of other business titans who developed a brand that will stand forever.Pulling back the curtain in this value-packed resource entails Shaan Rais sharing the experience, education, and expertise he has gained by building a successful business from his personal brand.This book includes advice backed by evidence-based facts and successful branding examples in the form of short stories. By the end of the book, they discover how others have built billion-dollar businesses on their name, image, & likeness, and how they too can effectively and profitably market their compelling brand story.Shaan Rais is a Leadership Development Expert and Industrial & Organizational Psychologist as well as a Professional Speaker and Branding Strategist. He holds a double Master's in Industrial and Organizational Psychology and Organizational Development & Change. By choosing to unapologetically invest in his story, he has inspired leaders like you to create more than a business, but a personal brand.Throughout this captivating book, Shaan cohesively lays out the foundational differences between each brand story that aligns with industry leaders and household names. Even so, he continues to drive home the assertion that the unique path being walked by every individual is the makings of a brand story that will leave a lasting impact on the language we all speak - the global marketplace.

Customer Success Manifesto

Author: Jay Goncalves

Category: Business, Money & Jobs

Regular price: $14.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: February 06, 2024

Deal ends: February 07, 2024


What are companies like Uber, IKEA, Belgo, and Eurostar doing that makes them so profitable? They know how to scale relationships.

But Online Gurus are lying to you about Scaling to hundreds of clients without creating an exceptional customer experience. Ben and I created this book with that in mind. When you feel like there is much more to be done in how you serve your clients, we’ve got you.

For a long time, marketers, specifically in the online space, have been making bolder and bolder promises. We started with promises of being capable of running a six-figure business (expert or agency), then everyone was promising a seven-figure business, and nowadays they promise you multiple seven figures without even working.

You might have fallen prey to that, pumping money into ads, hiring appointment setters, and having a massive sales team. Still, you face the same challenges as before, but with more chaos.

We've been there, and we found a different path to success and having a business we love. Since 2020 we have consulted with more than 100 7 and 8-figure businesses on how to scale their online services and have helped our clients generate 100m dollars in backend sales across these industries: Coaches & Consultants, Digital Agencies, Saas products, Ecommerce, Brick and mortar, and Startup Incubators.

We didn’t accomplish this using fancy Marketing tactics and Sales gimmicks. In fact, we're not the greatest marketers on earth and have still helped our clients generate more than 9 figures in revenue.

What we did was create a Fulfillment Funnel™ for our clients so that their clients stayed 4x longer, allowing our clients to 3-4x their lifetime client value.

In this book, you'll learn

How to diagnose why you're stuck in a Growth phase and not actually Scaling your businessTo transform into a Raving Fan business that thrives on client retention and referralsWhat a Fulfillment Funnel™ is and how you can increase your profits by 25-100% without spending money acquiring new clientsWhy not having a Bowtie funnel in place will put you out of business in the next 18 monthsHow to create magical experiences for your clients while reducing your service complexity (through a secret psychological trick that makes clients crave more)How to create a predictable service that delivers consistently and meets clients' expectationsWhy your offer needs to be adjusted to fit a larger market segment after you cross the chasmThe magic behind crafting your own High Lifetime Value OfferHow to create buy-in from day zero so that your clients don't ghost you and lead your collections team to bite their nails in despairWhy regret is the worst feeling the clients can feel and how it might destroy your business from the insideThe trick we use to manage expectations that builds client ownership to avoid escalation and clients blaming us for the lack of results they getHow to build relationships at scale with the four client archetypesAn in-depth application chapter that shows you exactly how to apply all conceptsA Bonus Section with the secrets we learned while consulting with more than 100 online gurus you're probably familiar with

If you're tired of spending money to acquire clients just to break even or for a small profit and want clients to say I WANT MORE... get the book, read it, apply the lessons, and enjoy a life of freedom and profit.

Customer Success Manifesto

Author: Jay Goncalves

Category: Business, Money & Jobs

Regular price: $14.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: February 06, 2024

Deal ends: February 07, 2024


What are companies like Uber, IKEA, Belgo, and Eurostar doing that makes them so profitable? They know how to scale relationships.

But Online Gurus are lying to you about Scaling to hundreds of clients without creating an exceptional customer experience. Ben and I created this book with that in mind. When you feel like there is much more to be done in how you serve your clients, we’ve got you.

For a long time, marketers, specifically in the online space, have been making bolder and bolder promises. We started with promises of being capable of running a six-figure business (expert or agency), then everyone was promising a seven-figure business, and nowadays they promise you multiple seven figures without even working.

You might have fallen prey to that, pumping money into ads, hiring appointment setters, and having a massive sales team. Still, you face the same challenges as before, but with more chaos.

We've been there, and we found a different path to success and having a business we love. Since 2020 we have consulted with more than 100 7 and 8-figure businesses on how to scale their online services and have helped our clients generate 100m dollars in backend sales across these industries: Coaches & Consultants, Digital Agencies, Saas products, Ecommerce, Brick and mortar, and Startup Incubators.

We didn’t accomplish this using fancy Marketing tactics and Sales gimmicks. In fact, we're not the greatest marketers on earth and have still helped our clients generate more than 9 figures in revenue.

What we did was create a Fulfillment Funnel™ for our clients so that their clients stayed 4x longer, allowing our clients to 3-4x their lifetime client value.

In this book, you'll learn

How to diagnose why you're stuck in a Growth phase and not actually Scaling your businessTo transform into a Raving Fan business that thrives on client retention and referralsWhat a Fulfillment Funnel™ is and how you can increase your profits by 25-100% without spending money acquiring new clientsWhy not having a Bowtie funnel in place will put you out of business in the next 18 monthsHow to create magical experiences for your clients while reducing your service complexity (through a secret psychological trick that makes clients crave more)How to create a predictable service that delivers consistently and meets clients' expectationsWhy your offer needs to be adjusted to fit a larger market segment after you cross the chasmThe magic behind crafting your own High Lifetime Value OfferHow to create buy-in from day zero so that your clients don't ghost you and lead your collections team to bite their nails in despairWhy regret is the worst feeling the clients can feel and how it might destroy your business from the insideThe trick we use to manage expectations that builds client ownership to avoid escalation and clients blaming us for the lack of results they getHow to build relationships at scale with the four client archetypesAn in-depth application chapter that shows you exactly how to apply all conceptsA Bonus Section with the secrets we learned while consulting with more than 100 online gurus you're probably familiar with

If you're tired of spending money to acquire clients just to break even or for a small profit and want clients to say I WANT MORE... get the book, read it, apply the lessons, and enjoy a life of freedom and profit.

Billion Dollar Brand

Author: Shaan Rias

Category: Business, Money & Jobs

Regular price: $0.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: February 06, 2024

Deal ends: February 07, 2024


When it comes to embracing your story and using the most transformative life chapters to build a multi-million dollar business, Shaan Rais is among the branding titans.This book pays tribute to his remarkable journey from zero to hero. As he expresses the lucrative importance of owning a personal brand, he recounts the prosperous stories of other business titans who developed a brand that will stand forever.Pulling back the curtain in this value-packed resource entails Shaan Rais sharing the experience, education, and expertise he has gained by building a successful business from his personal brand.This book includes advice backed by evidence-based facts and successful branding examples in the form of short stories. By the end of the book, they discover how others have built billion-dollar businesses on their name, image, & likeness, and how they too can effectively and profitably market their compelling brand story.Shaan Rais is a Leadership Development Expert and Industrial & Organizational Psychologist as well as a Professional Speaker and Branding Strategist. He holds a double Master's in Industrial and Organizational Psychology and Organizational Development & Change. By choosing to unapologetically invest in his story, he has inspired leaders like you to create more than a business, but a personal brand.Throughout this captivating book, Shaan cohesively lays out the foundational differences between each brand story that aligns with industry leaders and household names. Even so, he continues to drive home the assertion that the unique path being walked by every individual is the makings of a brand story that will leave a lasting impact on the language we all speak - the global marketplace.

The Art of Game Theory

Author: Wisdom University

Category: Business, Money & Jobs

Regular price: $9.99

Deal price: $0.99

Deal starts: February 05, 2024

Deal ends: February 05, 2024


If Life is a game, what are the rules? And more importantly… Where are they written?A well-known quote posits: “Life is a game. All you need to do is learn the rules and then play better than everybody else.”But can life, in all its complexity, be reduced to a mere game? A game that you can win over and over again?The games you play for entertainment happen within a defined space. They come with a rulebook you can consult. And in the end, somebody wins and somebody loses.If you think real life isn’t as tidy, you’d be right to some extent. But you’d also be wrong.Sure, reality is chaotic and people are unpredictable. Rules can be circumvented and even broken without consequence. But beneath all of this, the truth is we are all playing games with each other… all of the time.Think of the argument you’ve been having for years with your spouse about who washes the dishes after dinner.As with any game you play for sport, these also have stakes, as well as winners and losers. What if your spouse could do the dishes more often? How about avoiding the argument altogether?Those are just some of the outcomes you could achieve by adjusting your perspective. Even better, you’ll finally be able to join that secret club of people who seem to know what all of Life’s unwritten rules are.How?Through a better understanding of game theory.Game theory is the art of making the best choices, particularly when outcomes are dependent on the involvement of others.Scientists, economists, entrepreneurs, corporations, and governments have been using game theory for decades to understand behavior, plan policy, strategize, and create products.Many of these are academic, even abstract pursuits and you may be wondering what routine use you can put game theory to.Consider John Von Neumann, the man credited with laying its modern foundations.Von Neumann applied game theory to provide invaluable help during WWII, but his initial theories were the result of him trying to improve at poker.That’s hardly a scholarly endeavor.Whether you’re bargaining your way to a higher pay grade, or less housework, this book distills game theory’s basic principles into easy-to-understand, actionable advice and gives you the power to optimize your daily decision-making.Here are some other things this book will teach you:When does it pay to be a selfish player… and why you may need to go inside a prisoner’s mind to find outWhat are 8 of the most common games you and other people play in your everyday life… whether you know it or notThe overlooked assumptions we make about life games… and why these get us sent off to the sidelinesHow to recognize which game you’re playing and turn the tables on your opponent… even if they appear to have the upper handWhy strategy isn’t what you think it is and how everyone–even a kindergartener–is strategicThe nine impactful steps for creating your game playbook… including this one you’d never think would give you a competitive edgeWhy playing Life’s games ‘backward’ may be the best way to leap forwardWhy some games aren’t worth playing and what you should do insteadand much, much more…Modern game theory is an expansive body of work and one of the primary benefits of this book is it breaks down the core concepts into digestible, bite-sized ideas.It also doesn’t mire you into complicated economic or mathematical theories you can’t translate into practical, usable solutions for your everyday life.On top of all of this, you get a fully comprehensive guide that will show you how to advance your knowledge or practice it.When you’re ready to get serious about it and win on your own terms, click ‘Add to Cart’ to get this book now!

Review A Thoughtful Companion: "The Art of Game Theory""The Art of Game Theory" is a worthwhile companion for anyone intrigued by the complexities of strategic thinking and aspiring to delve deeper into the mathematical intricacies of game theory." - Bryan W. Kornele ????? Great, easy resource in strategies and games to achieve more successful outcomes."I love that I can learn this information in a digestible-sized book." - Dawn C. ????? Learn to think and solve problems in a different way"A great book to help you through difficult and complex problems." - Thom ????? Clear and Concise"This presentation was the most clearly presented of the material. I found it easy to absorb the concepts." - Michael McFarren ????? Powerful Applications to All Aspects of Life"The book is comprehensive with great applications to almost every aspect of life." - Michael K.J. Popovici ?????

I Hope This Email Finds You Never

Author: Ken Kupchik

Category: Business, Money & Jobs

Regular price: $9.99

Deal price: $0.99

Deal starts: January 29, 2024

Deal ends: January 29, 2024


Ahhh, the modern workplace: a cauldron of stress and anxiety. From the moment we accept a new role, we’re thrown into a world of competing personalities, shifting protocols, and an endless stream of emails, Slack messages, and Zoom calls, all of which serve to distract us from the things we truly want to be doing, like eating Thai food and sleeping until noon.I Hope This Email Finds You Never puts aside the motivational screeds, productivity hacks, and pop-science, and focuses instead on those things in the workplace that truly cause us grief—like a coworker eating an apple during a video call—in a lighthearted, entertaining, and (most importantly) cynical way.Some things you’ll learn:How long you can get away with being “new” until you’re held accountableHow to make it look like you’re sorry without giving up any powerHow to find a workplace friend and make a workplace enemy Camera position: how to set up your laptop for maximum dominanceOrganizing your calendar while leaving time to cryThe rules of the kitchen (stealing someone’s yogurt is literally a crime)Writing a letter of resignation when you’ve already been resigned from day one From Orientation (The Descent), Workplace Etiquette (No Eye Contact Before 11 AM), Working Remotely (Wink Wink), Coworkers (Getting Along with your fellow inmates), and everything in between, I Hope This Email Finds You Never is your must-have guide to surviving (thriving is not realistic) in the modern workplace.