Author: Nelson Whiting

Category: General Nonfiction

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Deal starts: August 01, 2023

Deal ends: August 02, 2023


Nelson Whiting will help you eliminate all interest in pornography at the speed of thought! No more need to use coping techniques, trigger avoidance, and distraction tools to fix your porn viewing habit. No homework, no journaling, no singing hymns to yourself. No more deleting social media or using site blockers, and certainly no more need for accountability partners, support groups, retreats, or years of therapy.Artificial Intelligence says the 95% recovery results we've achieved after completing over 2,000 in-office sessions at No Limits Hypnotherapy sound "too good to be true." Clients call it magic. Skeptics think its a Jedi mind trick or just masking the real problem with some sort of mental band-aid.Your subconscious mind is infinitely powerful, and you need to utilize it properly to help you eliminate your bad habits like pornography. But your subconscious mind is not the culprit here. YOU are. At some point, YOU decided it was okay to view pornography. That same belief system has kept you stuck ever since. You created your problem and you can uncreate it.But you have a huge problem on top of your own mental weakness. And that is your ignorance about your enemy. 1 Peter 5:8 says, "your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." If the Truth about your enemy influencing you to indulge in lust is not discovered, you will fail.The information in this book is not hypothetical or theoretical. It is not based on conjecture or seeing just a few successes. It is based on thousands and thousands of hours with real people just like you overcoming their bad habits, including pornography, up to 296 times faster than traditional talk therapy methods. This book is guaranteed to help you know how to remove the compulsive urge to view pornography through properly using the powerful mind God has given you.No Limits Certified Clinical Hypnotherapy is the top-rated hypnotherapy clinic in all of Utah County and specializes in pornography elimination.[While the methods and protocols outlined in this book have helped hundreds of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, AND these protocols have been highly congratulated and formally endorsed by the LDS Church, this book is not endorsed by the church nor does it claim to represent the church's position in any of is claims. This book is also not to be considered medical advice in any way.]