Category: Fantasy
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Deal starts: November 28, 2024
Deal ends: November 28, 2024
Who wants to be a superhero?
Hope did but she grew out of it, which made hersuperhuman breakthrough in the Ashland Bombing, just before starting her freshman yearat the University of Chicago, more than a little ironic.And now she has some decisions to make. Given the code-name "Astra" and invitedto join the Sentinels, Chicago’s premier super-team, will she take up the cape and maskand become a career superhero? Or will she get a handle on her new powers(super-strength has some serious drawbacks) and then get on with her life-plan?In a world where superheroes join unions and have agents, and the strongest andmost photogenic ones become literal supercelebrities, the temptation to become acape is strong. But the price can be high—especially if you’re “outed” and lose theshield of your secret identity. Becoming a sidekick puts the decision off for awhile, butHope’s life is further complicated when The Teatime Anarchist, the supervillain responsiblefor the Ashland Bombing, takes an interest in her. Apparently as Astra, Hope is supposed tosave the world.Or at least a significant part of it.____________________________
The Wearing the Cape series is the gold standard that all othersuperhero novels should aspire to.(Hero Sandwich)