Category: Teen & Young Adult
Regular price: $4.99
Deal price: Free
Deal starts: July 31, 2024
Deal ends: July 31, 2024
Maia has spent her entire life hidden in the mountains of New Zealand. Wandering the ruins of a population long gone, she resents being alone. She dreams of a place where the few surviving humans left on the planet can begin again—a place her grandfather insists is a myth.But Maia cannot escape a strong and mysterious force calling her out into the world. Between the prophetic dreams that haunt her at night and the mystical occurrences that follow her around the island, she knows in her bones that she’s meant for more.When Maia learns that people are gathering in the Old Arctic Circle, she knows this is where her destiny lies. Embarking on a harrowing journey across a deserted planet, she’ll come face to face with the power of fate, discovering the one thing she’s been running from may be the only thing to save her.*
This is an expanded edition with an all-new prologue, minor edits and changes, and additional scenes from the previous versions.