Author: Mark deMeza

Category: Historical Fiction

Regular price: $3.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: February 19, 2025

Deal ends: February 19, 2025


Inspired by the true story of the author’s ancestors, this enthralling WWII novel tells of the Kisch family’s heart-wrenching struggle against Nazi oppression.

When the Nazis invade the Netherlands in 1940, the Jews of Amsterdam know nothing of the Final Solution and the Holocaust. As the measures imposed by the cruel SS become ever more repressive, sister and brother, Rachael and Hendrik, join the Dutch Resistance. Meanwhile, their parents, Franck and Elizabeth, strive to keep their younger brother, Hannes, safe, but time is against them all, as every day more and more Jews are being deported to unknown camps in Eastern Europe. Will the family be able to stay together and survive?

Readers moved by

Schindler’s List, The Tattooist of Auschwitz


The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas

will be gripped.Order your copy today.