Author: Scott Chapman

Category: Historical Fiction

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Deal ends: March 01, 2024


*** Number 1 BOOK ***'The story gripped me from the start and I was fascinated to see how it all turned out'The last surviving Templar outpost must protect their Order's greatest secret.As their world is torn apart by the jealous fury of kings, their only duty is to a sacred oath of allegiance to the Order and to each other.Step-by-step they eradicate their footsteps, knowing that only their own obliteration will guarantee that their duty will be fulfilled.Eight hundred years later and an international expert in disaster management sets out to prove that the Templars had a last ditch Doomsday plan.Peter Sparke aims at nothing less than to uncover the last refuge of the Order and the secrets they took to their graves.'This was a fast paced and very readable book''Time, history, geography,adventure and story all combined in a mix of action and intrigue.'If you enjoy this book, the author, Scott, would love to have your feedback, good bad or indifferent. The Amazon rating system is great: 1 star=no good, 2 star= not worth reading, 3 stars=not too bad, worth the effort, 4 stars=worth reading, recommended, 5 stars=excellent, read this book!Scott reads every review personally.* Fiction/Mystery, Thriller & Suspense, October 2013