Author: Tris Logan

Category: Teen & Young Adult

Regular price: $5.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: December 29, 2023

Deal ends: December 29, 2023


A clone girl with a mysterious past. A powerful corporation with something to hide. A quest for answers that may bring them both crashing down . . .

For Scarlet - Scar to her friends - the question “who am I” is more than just philosophical. She is a clone, an iteration of a Scarlet Sinclair from the past. But who was that former Scarlet? What did she achieve? Was she good or evil? And how many Scarlet Sinclairs have there been?

Along with her two best friends, Scar lives in an elite Academy for clones. She has access to the best facilities, the most modern technology. But she knows nothing about her own history.

Amid growing suspicions about both herself and the corporation that created her, how far will Scar go in pursuit of her questions? To find the answers, she will need to risk the wrath of the powerful Duplicor, face her fears of the dystopian world outside the Academy, and place her life - and the lives of her friends - in danger.

This novel puts a new spin on the classic sci-fi cloning theme, with humour, adventure and fun characters you just have to love! Mix Divergent with Harry Potter, add a healthy splash of sass, and you have The Scarlet Clone.

Excerpt from novel:

‘Since the party is wrapping up, I thought I’d explain Duplicor’s Great Unbreakable Rules of Cloning. That’s not an official title, just something I made up. But, official or not, Duplicor drills these rules into us pretty much from birth. I’m the baby of our little group of friends - the last to turn 18. My birthday is in eight days, and I’m expected to know these rules.

‘First, Duplicor chooses who to clone. It’s not like anyone can walk in and ask. It must be offered. The rich can’t purchase it, the powerful can’t blackmail their way into it.

‘Second, Duplicor never makes a clone until after the death of the original person, or the death of their previous clone. Having two iterations alive at the same time would be too confusing. And a legal nightmare. So there will never be two Scarlet Sinclairs out there. I mean, the world couldn’t handle such an explosion of intellectual brilliance anyway.

‘Clones are always born and raised in the Academy, and work for Duplicor once their education is done. That is rule number three. Also the reason Duplicor isn’t interested in being paid to clone someone - they make more profit from the work of the clones themselves. The corporation is pretty much the best at everything. They make sure of it, through their choice of clones.

‘This brings me to rule four. Clones are never told about their former lives until age 18. This is a very strict rule, and one that almost every student has tried to get around. We all want to know who we were. Partly, it’s about removing the uncertainty. Mostly, it’s because we want to show off to our friends.

‘Rule four doesn’t stop any of us from speculating. For example, I suspect I was some sort of scientist in my former lives. It’s so weird to think there are people out there in the world who know who I am, when I’m still clueless.

‘And that brings be to rule five: the Academy never tells a clone everything about their past iterations. This is annoying, hair-pulling pedantry. But we accept it as necessary. For example, who wants to know how their previous selves died? Not me.

‘And what if a clone’s past lover is still alive and in the Academy? Would you want to know your former self had a dalliance with… say a youthful Professor Pinkerton? Yuk! So the “ick factor” is too high for some factoids of the past, but the crucial stuff is revealed at age 18. Past careers, past achievements, journals from previous iterations.

‘But occasionally, the Academy holds back important information too…’