Author: Brandt Legg

Category: Dystopian & Apocalyptic

Regular price: $4.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: May 30, 2024

Deal ends: May 30, 2024


The last library... The last books... The last chance...Never let them catch you reading!

When the single remaining library of physical books is ordered closed and its “dangerous” contents burned, almost no one notices, almost no one cares. A few did.The impossible task of rescuing the books is up to an angry author, a brazen revolutionary, and the last librarian.They must unravel a coded paradox hidden in the texts. If they fail, humanity will lose more than just what is printed on those antique pages… …if it survives at all.You’ll love Book 1 of this thrilling series, because every chapter contains secrets and surprising twists.Click now to save the books.