Author: S.D. Smith

Category: Children & Middle Grade

Regular price: $2.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: May 08, 2024

Deal ends: May 08, 2024


A Green Ember story set during Heather and Picket's arrival at Cloud Mountain, The Last Archer follows the journey of Jo Shanks. Jo is a gifted archer with a burden on his back and a fire within. Eager to see the Longtreaders receive justice, he travels from his Halfwind Citadel home to a Cloud Mountain poised on the brink of war. What he finds there will confront his convictions and test his resolve as the war begins and King Jupiter's heir is revealed.

A kingdom in the balance. An arrow aimed at the heart of darkness.

Who will take the shot?

Special Edition! Read the opening chapters of The Green Ember Book III: Ember Rising.