Author: Martin Archer

Category: Historical Fiction

Regular price: $4.95

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: January 17, 2025

Deal ends: January 17, 2025


Arrows fly, swords clash, women are bedded, prizes are taken, nobles and churchmen are gulled out of their coins, and the French and Venetians are successfully blamed for things they did not do. It is the summer of year 1321. Edward the Second and his lover Lord Despenser, are being challenged by the Queen and her lover Lord Mortimer who want to put her son on throne as England's king with the Queen as the boy's regent and Mortimer as the de facto King. The archers are hard at work doing what they do best when their is conflict and confusing - extracting coins from everyone. In this case to pay them to protect the prince. In the process the archers, the first of the great merchant companies at the dawn of Britain's rise as a great commercial and military power changes England and the royal family forever.This is another witty and exciting story in Martin Archer’s continuing and action-packed saga about the men of a company of English archers in the medieval world’s very real game of thrones. It is one of the most action-packed and wittiest stories in the saga. Flashman would be proud and Tom Brown appalled.