Category: General Nonfiction
Regular price: $5.50
Deal price: $0.99
Deal starts: September 10, 2024
Deal ends: September 17, 2024
Ah! Love! That intense feeling that has inspired the greatest musical and literary works, the same feeling that fills our most tender memories as well as our most tragic ones. Love, that powerful passion through which, at the risk of their lives, a man will defend his fiancée, and a woman her child; but also, the same devastating passion that causes the most suicides.
I am not a marriage therapist, unlike Yvon Dallaire, the expert in the field who wrote the foreword. Nevertheless, after years of studying evolutionary
psychology, I have come to better understand the cunning mechanisms that govern romantic relationships. I now invite you to join me on a captivating journey through the intricacies of the human brain to discover the engineering of love. Some passages will undoubtedly leave you astonished, even amazed,
but sometimes also indignant.
In short, I have written the book I would have liked to read when I was twenty. Such a read would have certainly spared me many heartbreaks and even a
few dramas.