Author: Lane Hart

Category: Erotic Romance

Regular price: $4.99

Deal price: $0.99

Deal starts: April 01, 2024

Deal ends: April 01, 2024


The rugged men of the Savage Kings MC are hardened and ruthless — especially when it comes to protecting the women they love!~ Remy ~After two confidential informants are murdered by a drug lord the DEA has spent months trying to bust, agent Avery Carmichael is ordered to go undercover.She’s going to need some help infiltrating the outlaw world, which is where the hottest, most infuriating man she’s ever met comes in.Remy Fulton is the president of the newest Savage Kings MC chapter in Rockland, Virginia. When his younger brother RJ gets into legal trouble, he reluctantly agrees to help the prissy snob with her undercover operation to keep RJ out of prison.It’s no secret that the two don’t initially trust or respect each other. But once they’re forced to improvise a few times under pressure, they become more comfortable playing the part of an infatuated couple.~ Colt ~Josie Billing’s eighteen-year-old son Jordan is struggling to deal with his recent trauma caused by her abusive ex-husband. The last thing Jordan needs is to be exposed to the bad influence of some random smooth-talking biker from a motorcycle gang. A biker who is determined to take her son to Virginia and is relentless about trying to get her in his bed.Colt never gets turned down by women. So, when Josie doesn’t fall for any of his usual tricks, he becomes obsessed with trying to win her over. The eight-year age difference doesn’t bother him like it apparently bothers her, however. In fact, he’s starting to think the older woman may be the one to finally curb his wandering eye if she would just give him a chance.~ Bear ~Barrett “Bear” Fulton hasn’t been with a woman since his wife divorced him years ago, shattering his heart beyond repair. He hasn’t had any interest in women or dating, avoiding both altogether.He obviously needs closure before he can even try to move on. So what’s a more perfect place to find it than at his ex-wife’s wedding?~ Ruger ~Ruger James Fulton is used to being confused. After barely graduating from high school, RJ took his one marketable skill and opened up an auto shop in town. Cars have always made sense to him, while the rest of the world makes him feel like an idiot.The one thing he never had to think twice about was his sexuality until one night during a chance encounter with a biker from a rival MC. All it takes is a few minutes to turn RJ’s world upside down, leaving him to question everything he thought he knew about himself.~ Isaac ~Holly Garrison is young. Too young and innocent for an outlaw like Isaac to lay a hand on her. But when he’s sent to save his daughter’s best friend from the consequences of her bad decisions, his protective instincts kick into overdrive. Suddenly, he finds himself unable to leave her side until he’s certain she’s safe.When Holly realizes that she has Isaac wrapped around her finger, she tempts and teases him into submission. And then, she walks away, leaving him begging for more.~ Greer ~Greer’s bar was already struggling to make ends meet before a homeless woman wandered in asking him for a job. She just so happened to also catch him at the lowest moment of his life.Celeste is running from a past that doesn’t want to let her go. Tired of driving from town to town, living out of her car, she’s desperate for any job that pays cash and will allow her to keep a low profile.Greer isn’t happy about hiring Celeste, but he can’t let her walk away without trying to help her. He reluctantly gives her a job cleaning the bar and arranges for her to have a free room at his friend’s motel for as long as she needs it.With each day that goes by, these two opposites continue to clash while doing their best to avoid the sexual tension.