Author: Keith McIntosh

Category: Dystopian & Apocalyptic

Regular price: $4.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: June 30, 2024

Deal ends: June 30, 2024


Kenshiro suspected he’d been on the road now for well over a year, but he really didn’t know. It’s not like he kept track of such things anymore. When the undead first came, everybody thought it was a new strain of rabies that was sweeping across the globe. When the scientists of the world finally figured out the horrible truth, it was too late. The undead took everything from him. His friends, his father, and the only woman he ever loved. He doesn’t know how he survived; it would have been better if he didn’t. Back then, he survived by running, but he doesn’t run from them anymore. He sticks to the small towns of middle America, because that’s where the essentials can still be found. Food, water, gas, and bullets. That’s all that matters now. His days were filled with extreme violence, and mind-numbing solitude that he shared with the ghosts of the people he left behind. He doesn’t know how much longer he can do this. Sooner or later, something’s got to give. Until it does, Kenshiro is going to continue to make the undead pay for what they took from him.

In La Veta, Colorado, Kenshiro finds something that changes everything.