Author: Jennifer Martucci

Category: Teen & Young Adult

Regular price: $0.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: December 07, 2023

Deal ends: December 07, 2023


She’s spent her life in hiding. When disaster flushes her into the open, will she become prey… or a deadly predator?

Planet Urth Book 1: Dive into dystopian darkness with edge-of-your-seat post-apocalyptic adventures.

Avery aches with loneliness. Driven by the need to protect her little sister, the seventeen-year-old survivor keeps them secluded deep in the forest while yearning for some form of human contact. But after her discovery of a family living nearby, the teenaged orphan is devastated when the mutants that now rule the planet attack them.

Banding together with another group of young people, Avery’s unblinking vigilance is the one thing separating them from death. But she is haunted by the knowledge that a single misstep will expose her group to starvation, savages, and slaughter.

Is Avery’s white-knuckled determination enough to save her loved ones from bloody extinction?

Planet Urth Book One is the captivating first book in the 10-book Planet Urth Series of dystopian fiction. If you like courageous teen heroes, bloodthirsty monsters, and never-ending thrills, then you’ll adore Jennifer & Christopher Martucci’s emotional rollercoaster.