Author: Sean Patrick Little

Category: Dystopian & Apocalyptic

Regular price: $3.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: June 04, 2024

Deal ends: June 04, 2024


After a hard, cold winter, Twist is no longer willing to struggle to live in Wisconsin. The time has come for him to move south. There he will begin to rebuild life after the viral apocalypse. The world he knew is changing, however. Nature is slowly reclaiming the land. Exotic animals released from zoos roam freely. Stores of food, once fresh and plentiful, are beginning to spoil. Surviving in the South is no guarantee, but it will be warmer there. And there will be wild game to hunt and plenty of land to farm. The South represents his best chance at building a new existence. But first, he needs to search for other survivors. Even if the Flu did not kill him, loneliness just might.