Author: Kevin Gaither

Category: Business, Money & Jobs

Regular price: $13.99

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Deal starts: December 25, 2023

Deal ends: December 25, 2023


This book is designed to be a collection of short stories, anecdotes and learnings that represent my experience over the last 28 years of sales and sales leadership building teams at tech startups. Most of my learnings come from the mentors and leaders I’ve had the great fortune to work with and the subsequent mistakes that I've made over the years, of which there are countless mistakes. Bouncing back from those mistakes has given me the experience and the expertise that has led me to success at building Sales teams at startups in the subsequent years.

I cover all sorts of topics including

Hiring and interviewing high performing salespeople and sales leadersTraining and onboardingCoachingFiring, Layoffs and Performance management (lots of stories and screw-ups here)Building sales processesWhat it’s like to be a leader and the challenges thereinBeing a sales leader at a startupAnd much more

The book is not meant to be a heavy instruction manual that is to be referenced again and again like a textbook in a business class. It's meant to be an easy-to-read book that you would pick up in the morning with your cup of coffee or morning dump, read a couple of stories, have a few takeaways for the day and then put it down only to be picked up the next day for a quick read.

Honestly, I wish I had this book in my hands over 20 years ago to guide me so I could have avoided all the mistakes I made over the years and saw even more success quicker. I hope that this book will serve the reader in that function.