Author: Rebecca Rivard

Category: Erotic Romance

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Owned by a vampire prince..."Try one book and you will be hooked!" - Paranormal Romance GuildTWILIGHT To save a friend, I stake my alpha in Slayers, Inc. and disappear, hoping my superiors will believe I died along with my alpha.But you don't quit Slayers, Inc. until you're too old to fight...or dead.Somehow, they find me. One last job, they say, and they'll let me live.The catch? I have to go undercover as a blood thrall in the treacherous world of vampire syndicates. The last thing I expect is to be purchased by the tattoed, hard-bodied prince who stars in all my darkest fantasies.BRIEN Twilight shouldn't be up for sale. She made it clear she'd never be anyone's thrall.But there she is, the main attraction at a private auction.The woman I'd do anything, pay any price to own.So I buy her.But will the secrets she's keeping bring us both down?*A steamy enemies-to-lovers romance set in Rebecca Rivard's award-winning vampire mafia world*"Prince Brien is BEYOND sexy as the Alpha-vampire here. His power, obsessiveness, protective instincts are mixed perfectly with his vulnerabilities. I was a goner for him from the start!...I love, love, loved this story and was left completely satisfied by the juicy ending." - Chris, GoodreadsTHE VAMPIRE SYNDICATEBillionaire vampire mafia princes who will burn down the world to possess the women they crave.TEMPTED (Prologue)PURSUEDCRAVEDTAKENFALLENHUNGER