Author: AJ Newman

Category: Dystopian & Apocalyptic

Regular price: $3.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: June 07, 2024

Deal ends: June 07, 2024


Cities on Fire: A Family's Apocalypse This is a tale about how the Karr family survives and meets the challenges thrown at them during the early days of the Apocalypse. There have been nuclear and EMP attacks on the USA and most of the world. The Apocalypse has caught the world by surprise. Cities and countries are on fire. The USA has been reduced to burned-out cities, the grid is down and society has reverted backward 150 years. Food and drinkable water are scarce. The US Government is no longer able to help or protect its citizens. Millions are dying. In “Cities on Fire,” several of the Karr family members have to travel long distances to reach the family bugout location and encounter death and destruction along the way. Could you walk hundreds of miles in a short time to get the jump on the hordes of people flocking from the cities to the countryside to find food? Could you kill to protect your family from criminals? Worse yet could you kill good God-fearing people who would kill you or your family just to get food to feed their starving family? The Karrs live through these situations and get stronger day by day. The Karr family has a mixture of old school preppers, conservatives, and liberals that make for an interesting blend of personalities, opinions, and sometimes even volatility. They are able to hate the sin but always love the sinner who disagrees with them. They have each other’s backs through thick and thin.