The Last Blade of Grass

Author: Robert Brown

Category: Dystopian & Apocalyptic

Regular price: $2.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: May 30, 2024

Deal ends: May 30, 2024


Eddie Keeper and his wife prepared for the fall of society. They outfitted their ranch for survival, built up defenses and stockpiled years worth of supplies. When the collapse arrives as an engineered plague instead of a monetary collapse, their plans of hunkering down and hiding until order is restored are thrown out the window. Instead they work to save people from the fast moving illness and to maintain a small safe zone around their home.

But in this new world, survivors will kill for supplies, criminals have free reign and all the others are zombies that hunt the uninfected. Eddie struggles to maintain his sense of right and wrong in this post-apocalyptic landscape where the safest course of action is to kill anyone you meet rather than speak with them. His actions and decisions make his friends, family and even himself question where the real evil resides, at the ranch or outside of it.

Exploited Blood

Author: RS. Merritt

Category: Dystopian & Apocalyptic

Regular price: $3.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: May 29, 2024

Deal ends: May 29, 2024


It comes in waves.

It's already too late for most of us. Walking around with bio-bombs ticking away in our bloodstreams. Bombs that are synchronized to go off together. Before you know it you're diving into the deep end of depravity. A pool of insanity you're never coming back from. Surfacing once or twice to witness the horrors you've caused before your soul takes a deep breath and disappears forever.

It's not natural.

The infections occurring simultaneously across the globe prove it's not a freak phenomena. Someone is behind the pandemic that's turning people into insane cannibals. Who'd benefit from so much death and chaos though? The humanity of whatever group pulled the trigger on this madness is seriously up for debate.

There's No Vaccine

Chris watches as the world around him falls apart. Bitten by a loved one he hovers in a feverish state for weeks. His recovery carefully observed by a group that considers itself above humanity. A group that sees people as prey. Chris becomes a pawn in the war to determine the future of mankind. Follow him as he evolves from being a frazzled twenty something college educated mama's boy into something more. Hopefully it's enough.

Other Books By RS Merritt

Crawlerz - Epic tale of powerfully psychic zombies sweeping the earth ( 7 Book Series)Zombies! - A second honey moon leads to a race across a zombie infested country to save their children ( 7 Book Series)Son of the Keeper - A tale of witches and wizardry set in the modern day world (3 Book Series)The Zournal - Follow the hilarious adventures of Steve and his band of misfits as they battle their way across the country in search of the source of the apocalypse.

Time to Play

Author: Erin Ampersand

Category: Dystopian & Apocalyptic

Regular price: $4.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: May 28, 2024

Deal ends: May 28, 2024


A few minutes ago, Meghan Moretti’s biggest concern was getting the kids’ athletic clothes washed in time for practice this evening. Now, Earth has been forced into participating in some high-stakes intergalactic reality television. All electrical wiring has been slagged, and most combustibles neutralized. Some kind of evil space rodents are appearing on the front lawn, too.Like any parent, Meghan’s first instinct is to keep her young children safely away from the monsters. When she learns that’s not possible, she has to find ways to help them thrive anyway. What’s a mom to do?---The beginning of an apocalyptic LitRPG saga.

The Divided Stories of America

Author: J.C. Finnegan

Category: Dystopian & Apocalyptic

Regular price: $2.99

Deal price: $0.99

Deal starts: May 27, 2024

Deal ends: May 27, 2024


What if the United States of America were no longer united?

The Green Forest

, the first book in

The Divided Stories of America

, is equal parts dystopian sci-fi, satirical comedy, and classic love story.The USA is dead. In its wake lie four autonomous territories: the Southeast, the Pacific, the Frontier, and the Northeast. The last of these is ruled by an authoritarian corporatocracy that uses AI technology, social credit scores, and a central bank digital currency to subjugate the masses. It's a green forest of greedy creeps and broken beasts. It's the place Finn Culligan calls home.In the aftermath of the National Divorce, the present is grim, and the past has been labeled a dangerous conspiracy theory. With truth existing only as a fading memory, Finn struggles to convince his girlfriend of the importance of freedom while holding out hope that it still can be found... somewhere.??As he contemplates an escape from the Northeast, Finn encounters two people from his past who provide evidence that the green forest is darker than he imagined. Their revelations are the catalysts for a plan that could cause the ruling elite to strip Finn of everything.??With his job, his girlfriend, and his social credit score hanging on by a thread, Finn faces a dilemma. Buy

The Divided Stories of America: The Green Forest

to discover if he chooses the assurance of safety and security over truth, freedom, and love.

Allison Hewitt Is Trapped

Author: Madeleine Roux

Category: Dystopian & Apocalyptic

Regular price: $14.99

Deal price:

Deal starts: May 25, 2024

Deal ends: May 25, 2024


From the New York Times bestselling author of ASYLUM comes one woman's story as she blogs - and fights back - the zombie apocalypseAllison Hewitt and her five colleagues at the Brooks and Peabody Bookstore are trapped together when the zombie outbreak hits. Allison reaches out for help through her blog, writing on her laptop and utilizing the military's emergency wireless network (SNET). It may also be her only chance to reach her mother. But as the reality of their situation sinks in, Allison's blog becomes a harrowing account of her edge-of-the-seat adventures (with some witty sarcasm thrown in) as she and her companions fight their way through ravenous zombies and sometimes even more dangerous humans. "Madeline Roux manages to answer the eternal question all of us must ask ourselves eventually: "When the zombie apocalypse comes (and it will come), how will I handle it?" For my part, I hope I manage it with as much humanity and determination as Allison. But I would like to make a request for bigger weapons."--Christine Warren, New York Times bestselling author of The Others series

After the Apocalypse

Author: Warren Hately

Category: Dystopian & Apocalyptic

Regular price: $0.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: May 25, 2024

Deal ends: May 25, 2024


Five years after the Rise of the Furies, the walking dead are dying out.

Bites don’t infect . . . but anyone who dies, turns.

No one knows why it happened. A pandemic? Coronavirus? And no one ever will.

Skilled outdoorsman Tom Vanicek wants a future for the two children he’s protected so fiercely through five years of living hell.

When rumors reach them about reconstruction efforts in the decaying ruins of Columbus, Ohio, the family make the dangerous overland trek for the chance to begin again.

But political alliances, secret factions, doomsday cultists, and other ruthless survivors mean life in a broken city of more than 60,000 traumatized and desperate souls may prove even more dangerous than surviving in the wild.

“The freshest take on the genre in years – and without losing anything cool” – advanced reader review

“Like Game of Thrones in the zombie apocalypse” – advanced reader review

Fans of The Walking Dead and George A Romero will love After the Apocalypse because it’s a fresh new take on the zompoc genre looking at the struggles to rebuild society when daily life can turn deadly any moment.

Click to buy.