Author: Derek Erickson

Category: Fantasy

Regular price: $3.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: December 08, 2023

Deal ends: December 08, 2023


What do you do when monsters are eating your cattle? Call a hunter. What do you do when a monster bigger than your house walks by? Call a group of hunters and open a tab. This is going to be expensive. Being a hunter is a life of adrenaline, adventure, glory, and wealth. After all, not just anybody is willing to poke a dragon in the eye and save the city from certain death. The only catch is you have to live long enough to enjoy the benefits. When the fight tomorrow might kill you, you live for yourself and your friends today. So when someone is stupid enough to kidnap one of their own…There’s a chance this could end diplomatically, but it’ll probably be by the axe.