Author: Nayden Kostov

Category: General Nonfiction

Regular price: $4.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: May 30, 2024

Deal ends: May 30, 2024


Award-winning author: 2020 Readers' Favorite Silver Medal!***This book provides you with fun and challenging questions, whether you want to quiz yourself or your family. Learn something new every day and surprise your circle of friends and colleagues!Knowing stuff makes you a cool and interesting interlocutor. You will always have an icebreaker at hand to start a conversation or to keep it going by dropping a weird fact.I covered a wide range of topics and intentionally made the questions assorted, so you will not know what sort of fact is coming. As I would do myself, you can choose to read as many facts as you please in one sitting, or even just one fact each day!You could use this collection when preparing for a pub quiz or quiz night at work or at home. All the questions are well-researched and family-friendly.