Category: Spiritual & Inspirational
Regular price: $4.99
Deal price: $0.99
Deal starts: January 12, 2025
Deal ends: January 13, 2025
Following his mountain-top experience, history records that the prophet Elijah ranfrom the Lord and prayed to die. Isolated in the wilderness, the Lordresponded to his exhaustion with these words of affirmation, "The journey istoo much for you." When the Church is experiencing disillusionment anddiscouragement and tempted to stray from God's presence and voice, we, too,are at risk of calling it quits. How will you endure when exhaustion reaches itsclimax and your journey is too much?In When the Journey Is Too Much, Terri Woolbright explores the manydistractions that push us further and further from God and more at risk offalling away. The theme of "exhaustion" is brought to light as we look at Elijah,Peter and David, among others, and observe how God responded to each ofthem when they found their journeys to be too long.Woolbright tells of encounters with others expressing discouragement anda desire to throw in their spiritual towels and call it quits; she shares themessage that God sent her: "The Enemy is attacking the Church today,beginning with leaders, and he's hitting below the belt. He'll convince them toquit." We'll explore this, and Christ prophesies that many will fall away from Him whileexploring the disguises of quitting. Woolbright's stories andexperiences will challenge us to remove any pretense and lean into God'spresence, and find encouragement together to create a culture where theChurch can heal and endure when our journey is too much.