Category: Crime Fiction
Regular price: $3.99
Deal price: Free
Deal starts: January 09, 2025
Deal ends: January 09, 2025
Justice isn't only blind, it's silent too
DI Sean Ellis always wanted to believe that justice was blind, impartial, guided only by cold hardfacts. But when a murderer strikes in Yorkshire, leaving behind the worst crime scene Ellis hasever seen, the facts and evidence don't seem to make sense anymore. Was it a crime of passion?A vigilante acting above the law? Or something more sinister?It doesn't help that Ellis is working with a new partner who isn't his biggest fan. Or that one ofhis friends is being framed for having inappropriate photos on his phone. One injustice would beenough for Ellis to handle but with three swirling around him, it would make any man questionhis beliefs.To find the truth in a world where facts can be fabricated, Ellis must dig deeper before the liesbreak through the silence and threaten not only Ellis's way of life, but his actual life.