Author: Peggy McKenzie

Category: Contemporary Romance

Regular price: $5.99

Deal price: $0.99

Deal starts: April 01, 2024

Deal ends: April 01, 2024


Sometimes, a man must choose between the woman he loves and his honor.Sometimes, a man must choose between the woman he wants to marry and the promises he's already made.And sometimes, a man must choose between the woman he wants and his sanity.This series delivers all three. This box set starts with the first two. TEXAS HONORCharlotte Johnson spent most of her adult life working as a bartender and occasional card dealer in the Holy Moses Saloon. And in all those years, she had made it crystal clear to anyone who pushed that she wasn't one of the upstairs girls. But one night, she was forced to defend herself against a persistent customer who refused to take no for an answer. As a last resort, she hit him over the head with a spittoon bucket. It wasn't the first time she'd defended herself this way, but this time something went terribly wrong. Now, the man was dead. She was shocked by his death, but not nearly as shocked when the dead man's brother hired a crooked judge to sentence her to three years in a women's prison. She had no choice but to run.A widower with three angry children hell-bent on punishing him for their mother's death, U.S. Marshal, Jeremy Maxwell, feels like a man twice his age. He's painfully aware he's walking a fine line between a responsible father and a dedicated lawman. So, when a stranger arrives in his town in trouble and needing help, he's convinced she's the answer to his prayers. Her kind heart and beguiling eyes are what he's been searching for. But soon, his lawman's intuition tells him there's something she's not telling, and although the man in him wants to protect this woman no matter what, the lawman in him knows he has a duty to learn her secrets.It's simple. All he has to do is decide what matters most. His sense of duty or the love of this woman who may very well be the ruin of everything he holds dear.TEXAS PROMISEShe dreams of marriage. He hungers for justice.The daughter of a U.S. Marshal, Daisy Bennett has spent her entire life watching her mother worry about a husband who might never come home. She knew that was not the life she wanted for herself, so when her childhood sweetheart finally proposed, she made him promise he'd never stand behind a lawman's badge.At sixteen, Lucas Armstrong made a promise to his murdered father, and for the last six years, he's done everything he can to keep that promise and find his killer. But without much to go on, and no authority to act, his chances of bringing someone to justice are slim to noneā€¦that is until Marshal Bennett, Daisy's father, offers him an opportunity of a lifetime. But can he afford to accept?Can one small promise to the past destroy any hope for the future?TEXAS DESTINY-Coming April 23, 2024He always feared this day would come...When the sins of the past return to the present, can unrequited love rebuild burnt bridges or will a broken heart be lost in the ashes?