Author: Adrianne Ambrose

Category: Mystery

Regular price: $2.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: February 24, 2024

Deal ends: February 24, 2024


Extortion rate rents, tech-bro infestations, and sage advice from random homeless citizens keep the laughs rolling in.

If you love a screwball mystery, but also enjoy stories where a hardboiled mug might get socked in the jaw, then you’re really going to fall for The Trouble with San Francisco.

After quitting her job at a sleazy internet company, Samantha Suite is hard-pressed for cash. She gets roped into following a friend’s cheating husband. But tailing a middle-aged lawyer through the streets of San Francisco is more challenging than it sounds.

Sam’s “easy gig” drags her into one perilous predicament after another, where she encounters a wide array of the citizens San Francisco has on offer, including: a hot cop, an out-of-control frat boy, a feisty grandmother who plays loose with the law, friendly leather daddies, an aging biker, a shady dude she used to know in high school, and worst of all, Slain. He’s a professional P.I., who is so hardboiled he needs a Google Translate button. And he doesn’t appreciate some dame filching a gig from a hard-working shamus. Slain goes out of his way to make Sam understand that being a private detective is a dangerous business. And ends up making her life miserable in the process.

If you love a good laugh, and can’t quite figure out how anyone could leave their heart in San Francisco, then grab a copy of The Trouble with San Francisco and fall in love with its madcap cast of characters. What else would you expect from the City by the Bay?


It is a truth universally acknowledged that a woman can only run as fast as her boobs will let her. It was a fact I was keenly aware of as I ran headlong down another dark, windowless hallway. My breasts were doing their damnedest to escape the confines of my neon-purple lace bra as they bounced wildly up and down, completely out of sync with each other. But I could only devote a tiny portion of my brain to processing my embarrassing attire. The rest of my thoughts were only as coherent as, Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God! I have to get out of here!

I was going to be shot; I was going to die, and the police would discover my body clad only in a pair of ill-fitting jeans and the ridiculous bra that I usually only wore on laundry day. And that’s how I would be remembered. Friends from high school would Google my name, only to discover a few articles about my mysterious demise. After their initial shock and horror, I would eventually become the punchline to jokes at our high school reunions, with most of my classmates speculating that I’d started turning tricks to cover San Francisco’s sky-high rents. I would retroactively be voted the girl most likely to be murdered by her pimp.

Can’t get enough of humorous mysteries like those by Janet Evanovich, Denise Grover Swank, Karen Cantwell, Libby Howard, Tara Sivec, Liliana Hart, Jana Deleon, Chelsea Field, Gina LaManna, Amy Vansant, and Stephanie Bond? Then The Trouble with San Francisco is the book for you!