Author: Serenity Woods

Category: Contemporary Romance

Regular price: $3.99

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Deal starts: March 01, 2024

Deal ends: March 01, 2024


Would you say yes to one forbidden night?

As a single mom who can barely afford to put food on the table, let alone fill her son Ryan’s Christmas stocking with presents, Erin isn’t particularly looking forward to the festive season. When Ryan has an asthma attack and ends up in hospital, she’s convinced it’s going to be the worst Christmas ever. Sure, Christmas is a time for miracles, but everyone knows wishes don’t really come true.Consultant pediatrician Brock King lost his wife to cancer two years ago, and he’s convinced the love he felt for her only comes around once in a lifetime. Then, while visiting the children’s ward, he meets single mom Erin, and suddenly his future doesn’t seem so bleak. Once Ryan recovers, Brock offers to take Erin away for her birthday, no strings attached, to give her the perfect gift every single mum would kill for—a night in an exclusive hotel.Will she take him up on his offer, which might (if she’s very lucky) end up with hot sex with a billionaire? Or should she take the moral high ground and say no?The first in a series of magical contemporary holiday romances about three gorgeous billionaire brothers and three single moms brought together with Christmas magic, also available as a USA Today bestselling box set.By the time of the party on Christmas Eve, all three King brothers are in love. Will there be enough Christmas magic to make all their dreams come true?