Author: Jane Drew

Category: Mystery

Regular price: $5.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: February 21, 2024

Deal ends: February 21, 2024


Quinn and Fiona get an unexpected surprise when Dermot Brennan, the local Garda from the little town of Ballyfrannen, stops by. The grave of a young woman named Hannah Byrnes, who died in the 1930s, has been robbed. He shows them a picture of Hannah, or Pans as she was called, standing in front of the farm that Quinn’s family has owned for generations. Is she a long-dead relative?

Soon they’re told a man has been murdered. Are the two events connected? They suspect they are, especially after learning the man had been searching for the ring stolen from Pans’s grave.

Events spiral out of control as Quinn hears the dead woman’s voice telling her to ‘Bring back my ring’ and to ‘Go to where the rabbit is.’ Quinn enlists the help of her friends and grandmother as she delves deeper and deeper into the supernatural world that threatens to take her sanity and maybe even her life.