Author: Lily Zante

Category: Contemporary Romance

Regular price: $9.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: February 15, 2024

Deal ends: February 15, 2024


“Anything can be bought, Savannah, and everything has a price.”“Only in your universe, Tobias.” Two broken souls collide in an electrifying dance of desire and denial in this contemporary billionaire romance.Tobias Stone's guarded heart is an impenetrable fortress in the high-stakes world of power and money. He uses his wealth as armor, his detachment as a shield.Savannah Page isn't searching for love, but for survival and stability. Having fled an abusive marriage, the fiercely independent single mother has only her grit and her six-year-old son, Jacob, to her name.Their worlds collide when Savannah is hired at Tobias's company. She's drawn to his enigmatic allure, while he's captivated by her strength and innocence. Yet the stark contrasts of their lives breed complications. His world revolves around power and possession; hers, around love and survival.Take a heart-stopping plunge into this steamy, rags-to-riches tale where vulnerability meets power, and love dares to defy all odds.