Author: Tamsin Ley

Category: Contemporary Romance

Regular price: $4.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: June 06, 2024

Deal ends: June 06, 2024


Humans are too fragile to withstand the mating bond of his species.
An evil corporation ruthlessly destroyed Qaiyaan’s home planet and left his species without females. Now he and his crew prowl the stars in search of revenge. When they rescue a beautiful human female from her cryogenic slumber, she awakens primal urges in Qaiyaan’s soul he never thought he’d feel again.
But claiming Lisa isn’t an option. His embrace would be fatal, the powerful connection of his kind too intense for a human to endure. Yet despite the danger, their forbidden urges grow stronger with each passionate glance, each inadvertent brush of skin, until Qaiyaan begins to suspect that Lisa is not what she seems.
Then he discovers she carries a secret that could change the fate of his people forever—if she can survive the process…