Author: Cathryn Fox

Category: Contemporary Romance

Regular price: $9.99

Deal price: $0.99

Deal starts: February 21, 2024

Deal ends: February 21, 2024


The Puck Charmer:All I want is to build my landscaping business and take care of my grandmother. But when some hot out-of-towner rams his vehicle into mine, and doesn’t have the funds to pay for repairs, we come to a compromise. The Troublemaker:I had perfected turning a bad situation around and making it work for me. But when dream sex turns out to be real and too much tequila ends up with Elvis and a sidewalk wedding that’s actually legit, I thought I’d reached my limit. The Rule Breaker:I needed a role model for my son. A big brother to mentor him. What I didn’t need was a rebellious hockey player famous for his on and off rink fights. I should have said no. Should have vetoed the idea the second I heard it. But I didn’t. Why, you ask. Two words. Liam. Dalton.