Author: Rasheed Carter

Category: African-American & Black Interest

Regular price: $1.65

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: March 12, 2024

Deal ends: March 12, 2024


The highly anticipated finale from the critically acclaimed Love in the Chamber series is here. Finally the answers to the questions you've been seeking-- Is Frog dead? What will become of Sienna and her baby? Has Jerimiah completely lost his mind or has he learned to accept losing the love of his life? Is Kema ready to handle business without her trusted enforcer and brother by her side, and what will she do now that John T has a hit out on her life? ~~Rasheed has weaved together a timeless masterpiece that sucks you in and steals your breath from the opening scene and holds you by the front of your shirt and pulls you along a bumpy and curvy road filled with twists and turns that will leave you astonished~~ Official test reader