Author: Lisa Ladew

Category: Contemporary Romance

Regular price: $0.99

Deal price: Free

Deal starts: December 07, 2023

Deal ends: December 07, 2023


Following a near death experience, firefighter/paramedic Emma Hill's world is turned upside down. Haunted by a vision of the man who could very well be her soul mate, Emma is desperate to find that man, but fear stands in her way. With a maniacal ex-husband determined to get her back, Emma struggles to stay clear of him or risk living a life riddled by quiet desperation and abuse. Fighting with a dirty cop is dangerous enough, but when that dirty cop is her ex-husband the stakes are raised to disastrous levels.Craig Masterson, the firefighter who saved Emma's life, finds himself falling for her. When he learns who her ex-husband is, he realizes that this is a battle he may not win. Choosing to love her is a deadly game. If he can stay alive, their love may flourish, but only if he can defeat her ex. Heat level: low (for this book - the rest in the series are moderate to moderately-high), suspense, thriller level: moderate. Some swearing. 18+ Cliffhanger.