Author: Jules Brown

Category: Popular Fiction

Regular price: $4.99

Deal price: $0.99

Deal starts: September 04, 2023

Deal ends: September 04, 2023


It's the job of his dreams. Get paid to travel and write about it.
Only no one told Jules that it would mean eating oily seabirds, repeatedly falling off a husky sled, getting stranded on a Mediterranean island, and crash-landing in Iran.
The exotic destinations come thick and fast – Hong Kong, Hawaii, Huddersfield – as Jules navigates what it means to be a travel writer in a world with endless surprises up its sleeve.
Add in an eye for the ridiculous and a cast of larger-than-life characters – Elvis, Captain Cook, his own travel-mad Dad – and this journey with Jules is one you won’t want to miss.
*Previously published as Takoradi to the Stars (via Huddersfield) by Jules Brown
This book is part of the 'Born to Travel' series but you don't need to have read the others to enjoy this one.
Don't Eat the Puffin
Never Pack an Ice-Axe
Watch Out for Pirates